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Welcome to Philosophy For The Future! I'm John McCone. If You Care About Our Future, You'll Care About This Blog I've started this website to feature books and blog articles I've written on topics relating to philosophy, technology and economics. The overall aim is to provide you, the reader, with a broad perspective on where society is heading, the wider effects of technological change on our lifestyles and the economy, and the best philosophy to shape our future … Read More about About
Featured Reviews
The Property Owning Democracy
By Gavin Kerr
A Review By John McCone The book that most clearly lays out the ethical and economic case for land value tax and summarizes the geo-libertarian position is, of course, Henry George’s famous masterpiece Progress And Poverty. What The Property Owning Democracy, by Gavin Kerr, brings to the table is a deep engagement between the geolibertarian position and the two dominant ideologies that current battle with one another in the arena of policy-making for modern democracies: namely the…
The War On Normal People
By Andrew Yang
A Review By John McCone It has become customary, in some circles, to dismiss vast swathes of Middle America as “The Flyover States.” A region not worth paying much attention to; a region best ignored; a region one should drive through, or fly over, as rapidly as possible. In his book, The War On Normal People, Andrew Yang, who has travelled all over the U.S., forces readers to take a long, hard look at the communities in these “flyover states” and makes the strong case that the…
The Feasibility of Citizen’s Income
A Review By John McCone Many books have been published that discuss the desirability and advantages of a Universal Basic Income paid to everyone. The Feasibility of Citizen’s Income is the first book I’ve encountered which thoroughly explores the concrete steps required to make it a reality. Malcolm Torry has experience working in a benefit office, running a think tank to educates policy makers and the general public about Basic Income, and has conducted academic research simulating…
Recent Blog Articles

Some Quick And Nasty Solutions To AI Safety
Progress in AI seems to be exploding. AI is now close to passing the Turing Test some even argue it broke the Turing Test. Indeed the Turing Test itself is of questionable relevance in determining levels of machine intelligence – for example, a human might realise it was talking to a machine if said machine had an encyclopedic knowledge of trivia and mathematics, so such a superintelligent machine might fail the Turing Test, in spite of its intelligence. A DeepMind AI can now predict the weather 10 days in advance – that’s 3 days further out than state of the art supercomputers. Beyond just talking smart, ChatGPT can use APIs to run a range of other software programmes, such as Wolfram Alpha and Wolfram Language. While the latest version of ChatGPT may have recently developed the ability to solve mathematical problems. Meanwhile, physical robots, guided by AI, are becoming impressively dextrous. The U.K. is making serious plans to introduce legislation allowing self-driving cars on … Full Article about Some Quick And Nasty Solutions To AI Safety

Seaweed : Food For A Changing Climate
Present and Future Challenges To Food Production Twenty years ago the millenium development goals aimed to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, however, while global hunger was reduced between the years 2000 and 2014, following 2014 food insecurity stopped falling and now is, once again, on the rise - particularly in the wake of COVID-19. At the moment, the invasion of the Ukraine by Russia and the punitive sanctions upon Russia that have followed are drastically squeezing the food supply. This is both through: Directly reducing food exports Indirectly through reducing fertilizer and fuel exports Ukraine accounts for 45-55%, and Russia 15-25%, of all globally exported sunflower seed oil. On the global market Ukraine additionally accounts for 10% of wheat, 15% of corn, and 13% of barley exports, while Russia accounts for 19% of global wheat exports Beyond this, however, Russia and Belarus account for about one third of global Potash production – an important … Full Article about Seaweed : Food For A Changing Climate

Value-Backed Cryptocurrency
Are cryptocurrencies just one giant bubble, akin to Tulip-mania, and will they all become worthless in a few years’ time? The supply of Bitcoin is limited to 21 million. However the Bitcoin payment system is easily replicated and far from unique. Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin SV, Dogecoin and countless other cryptocurrencies also have associated payment systems with the same, or greater, functionality than Bitcoin. So other than its brand, Bitcoin doesn’t contain much scarce value – its scarce value is limited to people’s belief it has scarce value. So is all internet money doomed to just be funny-money backed by no real value? No. After-all, the internet is clearly a valuable resource. So it should be possible to create internet currencies that are backed by the real value of the internet. The internet’s two chief assets are information and attention. In this article, I will explain what cryptocurrencies are, how they work and how cryptocurrencies can be … Full Article about Value-Backed Cryptocurrency